shipping policy
Shipping Policy
We provide a high-quality counterfeit money deliveries on a national and international level. All of our deliveries are discrete, quick, and safe. Since your security is the only thing that matters to us, all client delivery information is deleted once the order has been delivered.
Our customers can track the progress of their packages’ online deliveries using the tracking number that is provided.
We promise that your package will reach its destination safely. Since all of our packages are personalized and diplomatically sealed, they are free of customs duties. In order to prevent K9 (dogs) or electronic sniffers from detecting the scent of your order, we offer triple vacuum sealing and stealth packaging on all orders. If the delivery of your order is unsuccessful, we do offer refunds or replacement orders.
To give the impression that the buyer is receiving a newly ordered electronic item, we offer camouflage for our packages. For instance, we deliver them in games, TV, or any other legal goods cartons.
We do offer you professional packaging and a sizable box to fit all of your orders, and we also label the items before they are packaged to make it simple for customers who ordered a lot of items to locate them in the box. Typically, the delivery process takes 3-5 days.